Teeth Bleaching

Teeth Bleaching


Teeth whitening is basically an aesthetic procedure that does not involve a significant surgical operation and its purpose is to bring about a significant visual improvement in the appearance of the teeth through teeth whitening, cleaning stains and changing the color on the surface and surface of the tooth without damaging the tooth structure.
This is an important procedure for the hygiene of the teeth and their ongoing care, when, moreover, by cleaning the teeth and whitening them, the chances of preventing tooth decay and receding gums are significantly increased.
Highlights for taking the necessary precautions after teeth whitening:
After the procedure, there may be temporary sensitivity in the treated area.
This sensitivity passes after two days at the most, painkillers can also be used to reduce the sensitivity and control the pain.
In the first few days after the procedure, the consumption of cold and/or hot drinks is strictly prohibited and any drink or food that is not at room temperature should be avoided. After the procedure, it is recommended to refrain for two weeks from smoking, consuming hot and/or cold drinks. as well as eating food products that contain food colorings of sorts
Immediately after the procedure you can brush your teeth and even use dental floss.

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